Intro into Chi-Gung “Energy work”


1. Some kind of dish served at the Sushi Shack? Maybe somewhere, but not in this blog article.
2. A terrorist group from somewhere in Asia? Not that I am aware of, and most certainly not related to this blog or website.
3. Witchcraft, magic, religion, or hieratic practices? What many Americans believe when first introduced to the name, but later, when fully understood, most feel a little ridiculous of the thought.
4. Energy work. Cultivation of energy and the calibration of mind/body/spirit.   System of exercise & meditation to optimize health, longevity, vitality, and spiritual awareness. Becoming superhuman… And I’m sure why the secrecy involved, in order to have an advantage over your enemy.

If you guessed number four, you’re the Jackpot winner! Jackpot = opportunity to learn what, for myself, has been the most profound, life-changing work to date, besides the stretching and persistent practice, I could hardly call it work. I’m confident  you will enjoy the wonderful health benefits, abundance & prosperity Chi-Gung has provided for myself and  many others!

Brief History: Chi-Gung (pronounced: Chee gung)

For thousands of years  Chi-Gung has been hidden & practiced in Buddhist monasteries, palaces of emperors and private martial-artist organizations fortunate enough to have had access to China’s most secret esoteric traditions or art. Some of the esoteric practices may go back to Sumerian cultures, or who knows, possibly far beyond our beliefs or understanding. It has been widely accepted Chi-gung dates back around ten thousand years ago with early dance ceremony, about the same time traditional Chinese medicine or TCM started to take root. Let’s just say a long, long time before now, and for any type of human belief system to have survived that long, there must be some real truth in practice, or at least some recognizable results or incentive.  Many Americans, Europeans, and others, give their lives over to a system of medicine in practice 200-300 years? with some ancient carry-over, here and there, but if you really think about it,  not even close in comparison, and is why I had to give it a whirl.

Probably will not be getting to deep into Chinese history in this blog, as interesting as it is, I just don’t have the time, but I highly recommend you pick up some books or e books on the subject. Some of the recorded history of Chinese ruling dynasties is mind-blowing interesting! At this time though, my main objective is to get more people practicing and realizing the immediate health benefits, we can get into some of the history as needed. I know that I could be offending some traditional teachers & practitioners by short cutting valuable lessons in history, but in this age, attentions are short and lines are long. I would much rather live with  healthy people, and if I can get just one person meditating, or flowing in subtle, relaxing moving exercise, then I have already made the world a better place for me. With that said, I may not give as thorough education in some areas, as a student may receive from a Chi-Gung master in person. I highly recommend the beginner student seek out a professional master close in proximity to where you live, in order to get the most comprehensive teachings/healing experience. Not to say, you will not receive master level teachings here, because you will; but there is no substitution for live teachings; especially, if your master/teacher is also proficient with complimenting art forms and healing practices.

I really am not in favor of stirring up the past, especially, negative thoughts that bring me down, or result in limiting beliefs that get in the way of me producing, realizing abundance & prosperity. In a nutshell, my experiences with western medicine has been horrible, and I am hard-pressed to find a shining light on the subject. However, I do have a thorough understanding of western biology, psychology and, if not for extensive research into theoretical physics, especially, the quantum in nature, I may not have become the daily practitioner I am today. I will discuss  modern quantum theory and it’s connections with ancient traditions & esoterics  in further post.

Struggling many years with chronic back pain, a lingering childhood ailment with my  leg; probably caused from polio vaccines. Anyway, I was sporting the, “Run Forrest Run” look as a child, and like Forrest Gump, I called bullocks and kicked them damn shoes off. It is very unfortunate I didn’t have a Yogi/Chi-Gung teacher at the time, would have saved me much pain and suffering, and had someone thrown in some sacred geometry, who knows how much further evolved or enlightened I would be? I guess it was a necessary training, and today I am much stronger for it. Over time; the misalignment in my frame, abusive hard work, sports injuries, car accidents, and a poor diet, led to a meltdown. My back said enough is enough and shut down all activity in my lower body, and for two days I was paralyzed from the waist down. Laying on the floor for two days whilst people walk over and around you, is a very humbling experience, and also afforded me time to take a new perspective in considering an alternative path like Chi-Gung. Now, a decade after being told by a western medicine doctor I would never compete in sports activity again, and I may not even be able to run again, also, I would likely require a surgical procedure to alleviate some pain. With all that doubt, fear, and many failed treatments, a decade later of practicing chi-gung, I am not only doing all the physical things I was told I would never do, I do more!

There is typically, for me anyway, much dogma and doubt brought forth when first introducing Chi-Gung to new students. I often hear, ‘that looks funny” or ‘that’s for old Chinese ladies” Lol…. really! One time I was stretching on the beach, doing a stretch in yoga known as child’s pose, and I hear this guy say, (with a deep southern draw), ‘Yalls look, that guy is praying to Allah, or something.” In actuality, I was stretching my back, core, arms, shoulders, legs & knees. In many parts of the world; especially, here in the deep south United States of America, the movements of Chi-Gung may look a little foreign, but the newly acquired benefits will have you forgetting about all those limiting beliefs, and on your way to optimal health! I hope you enjoy all blog articles and youtube video’s! Please like and share, so others can benefit too! And please check back frequently for additional readings. Thank You! Author: Jon Paul Gilbert

3 thoughts on “Intro into Chi-Gung “Energy work”

  1. […] Intro into Chi-Gung “Energy work”. […]

  2. […] Intro into Chi-Gung "Energy work". […]

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