The magic snake oil, nothing at all?

Equafina Springs

Equafina Springs

So you want that magic pill or the miracle cure, the secret to all healing methodology? Maybe some magic elixir, or superfood, perhaps a transforming medical procedure? Won’t take you long to get a gazillion opinions about this topic, and I am not going to pretend I can give any type of absolute cure-all, for billions of people.  However, there is one absolute we all have in common; the need for water!

After many visits to the hospitals, mostly, visiting family & friends, either ill or bringing a new child into the world, I noticed there was one common denominator in treating patients: Water Fasting, or the Intravenous therapy (IV). Yes, chemicals can also be introduced with this procedure, but for the most part, patients are given water for hydration. Many people are introduced to water fasting by religious doctrine or practices, some people have not a choice and just can’t get food 😦  Whatever the condition, as a practicing Yogi/Chi-Gung healer, I water fast for more than one reason, but one thing for certain; I’m not waiting till I’m sick in a hospital bed before I catch on! Water fasting is very important! Yogi Master Dylan, has some very detailed video’s on this subject; to avoid reiteration of his teachings,  I would like to recommend that you watch, listen, like & share his videos. You will learn, not only a valuable tool for healing, but also a common practice amongst the wisest guru’s, physicians, clerics, athletes & more…. Always consult your family, health professional when making extreme changes in lifestyle; always nice that someone has your back! It is of my opinion, that it is best working with a master Yogi, nutritionist, naturopathic doctor or your MD, together during a fast, (sustaining from food) will give you a safe, well-rounded approach.

Water fasting is a type of fasting in which the practitioner consumes only water for long periods, usually to flush the body of toxins. See attached Youtube video’s!  Namaste, Love and Peace, Author Jon Paul Gilbert

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