Video update – Dylan speaks of igniting daily passion and energy with passion foods and high carb/low fat dieting

Empowering information from a true alchemist.

Dylan's Dojo

Hello everyone! It’s the october full moon, one of my favorite weeks of the year, and this one happens to be especially awesome do to the added energies of a partial lunar eclipse happening later tonight. The energy of the moon has got me feeling really great this week and i have decided to launch up some content both old and new to help expand out the horizons of my growing blog ever further.  This first video i feel, is really my best video yet, and i really love it because it covers subject matter that i find to be increasingly important in this period of energy shifting that we are currently experiencing. This really is the ultimate time in history to absorb the knowledge of the higher realms and to learn how to boost out your life potential by beginning to understand how to maximize your daily energy…

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