Small-Scale Traditional Farming is the Only Way to Avoid Food Crisis, UN Researcher Says – NationofChange


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3 thoughts on “Small-Scale Traditional Farming is the Only Way to Avoid Food Crisis, UN Researcher Says – NationofChange

  1. Well Im not sure. It seems like many will go even more unfed. So many so hunry everyday. But the truth is that I don’t know the answer.

    • Balance is a difficult goal indeed. Many will go unfed, i assume, if needed for a higher purpose. I believe if I can direct a few, or, educate a few in self- sustainable living, the easier the transition may be moving out of a systemic control matrix. Myself, I seem to be bouncing from a co-creator, or a subjective perspective experience, to one that is highly influenced by my environment. I’m a little entangled at this moment. So frustrating when I know I can make a huge difference in the outside world but it has to be done Introspectively. If some didn’t go hungry, then how would we know fulfillment, or even greed. Maybe some go hungry in order to balance nature; keeping humans from consuming everything? Then, I contemplate infinity, and that changes everything to an arbitrary perspective… Kunundrum. Helping people grow food may be meaninglessness in the grand scope of things, but the option to choose to do so seems to make me feel good, and I don’t like seeing animals and people go hungry. Futile or not, my/our actions seem to give colour to existence, so, in the moment, I will try to cultivate our existence.

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