Sping Breakers Watch “Panama City Beach Drone views at sundown” on YouTube


Spring Break is on us 🙂 Good news for business,  bad news for the beaches 😦 Please keep the beaches clean! Here’s a few tips for enjoying Panama Ciry Beach!

1. Take a cab, it’s cheap and there are only two main roads! The cab drivers know the area and can have helpful tips.  And don”t forget to tip! People around here struggle thru the off-season. Getting arrested will not make for a good time and could cost 10k.

2. Stay off the balconies and other dangerous places. We seem to lose a few people every year from jumping, falling, accidentally pushed… Play it safe!

3. Bring a variety of clothing for warm and cold weather~ It’s easier to shed layers then stand in line freezing.

4. Don’t walk back beach at night! Another easy way to get ran over~ happens often. Also, be careful walking, biking, skating, running, or staggering the shoulder of front beach road!!! Watch for pedestrians, people often dart out in front of traffic.

5. Be respectful and don’t trash the properties!  It could be very expensive and it makes the rates go up.

6. Stay hydrated and watch out for friends, Alcohol poisoning seems to be another persistent occurrence.

7. Check beach safety standards, know the water (rips) conditions and be mindful of the amount of sun exposure.

Have fun, be safe, and have an awesome vacation!

#springbreakpcb #springbreak2015 #Shamanistical

During your visit checkout the Hofbrau Beer Garden~ Great beer and lots of fun. Watch short video below to see live activity.



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3 thoughts on “Sping Breakers Watch “Panama City Beach Drone views at sundown” on YouTube

  1. Leeby Geeby says:

    Sounds like the Gold Coast in Australia after the school breakup. Chaos!

    • I have heard the same. Never been there. We have a few Aussie’s <——- Did I say that right? Love them rooos! Yep, this place goes ape shiz 😉 Beautiful sugar sand beaches. You hook up with Max Igan? He"s my hero.

      • Leeby Geeby says:

        Cheers mate. Living in Japan can get tough around Christmas time.
        The silly season in Oz is basically beach BBQ and beer about every other weekend. I miss that big time!

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