Oil slicks spread 9 miles off California, foul beaches, air – Yahoo News


Look at this water. Please keep it clean! After 2010 oil spill, yes, there was black tar in the water and on the beach; divers say it’s still out there… As far as the CORE exit…  Yes! My core wanted an exit 😦 Just a coincidence, that three of us training in the water and living 200′ from the Gulf of Mexico, experienced abdominal pain and digestive issues, at the same time…

Be diligent in your efforts to protect water!  See last photo





             So this does not happen!

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3 thoughts on “Oil slicks spread 9 miles off California, foul beaches, air – Yahoo News

  1. Leeby Geeby says:

    And I read recently that Obama has approved more drilling in the arctic region in the middle of a whale migration route uncomfortably close to a marine reserve. Very saddening news.

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