7 Legal Herbs That Can Alter Your Consciousness and Super-Charge your Dreams | The Mind Unleashed


Definitely going into this subject a little deeper, as i have time. Herbs can assist with lucidity and dream recall. In the meantime take a look at this article. Thank you for sharing!





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3 thoughts on “7 Legal Herbs That Can Alter Your Consciousness and Super-Charge your Dreams | The Mind Unleashed

  1. pastopresent says:

    It’s great that you are continuing the conversation on Natural Medicine! I know another couple, who have taken another step and will be visiting Rural Communities in Latin America to learn from their natural medicine practices!! Doesn’t that sound awesome!? They will then also write a book on it. You should check it out here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/camino-casamel-veggie-bus-diaries#/story

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