The Prismatic Sphere

Protection~Energy~Healing~ Qi~ The Prismatic Sphere

Energy from far~Loving Spirits near~

Shine upon my Prismatic Sphere~

Invisable light fills this place~

with this light, I displace, all the darkness from my space~

Prismatic Sphere,  protector from fear~Cast your light around this vessel, I hold dear~


My personal routine

•Outdoors: beach, woods, & next to a fire.
•Indoors: candle lit room, or close proximity to a fireplace or fire pit.

Highly recommend sitting within a circle. A hoola hoop or other preformed device, makes for a precise and nice sized circle.

Sitting in lotus, relaxed and comfortable,  I proceed with 300 breaths of fire and Third-eye/Crown Qigong~ See attached  video.

Following Qigong~ eyes closed and opposing hands held chest height (heart chakra) I construct, by imagination,  a Chi-ball, or Prismatic-Sphere.

With each breath, as  I exhale, I compress Chi in between (Space between) my opposing hands and feel the subtle energy expand. I imagine a very powerful ball of white light, approximately the size of a soccer ball, hovering inside my hands.

Take nine breaths~ After ninth compression,  holding Qi ball in front, say the verse:

Energies of far~Loving Spirits near~ shine upon my Prismatic Sphere~ Invisable light fills this place~and with this light, I displace, all the darkness from my space~Prismatic Sphere protector from fear~Cast your light around this vessel that I hold dear~

Proceed by taking a deep breath in, as you draw the hands away from eachother, approximately the width of your circle~Expanding your Prismatic Sphere~Encapsulating and filling your entire body with Qi. 《《《~☆~》》》



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Have a magical life,

Jon Paul

Posted from WordPress for Android

Just want to say hello and thank you for checking out my blog! Thanks!


Video update – Dylan speaks of igniting daily passion and energy with passion foods and high carb/low fat dieting

Empowering information from a true alchemist.

Dylan's Dojo

Hello everyone! It’s the october full moon, one of my favorite weeks of the year, and this one happens to be especially awesome do to the added energies of a partial lunar eclipse happening later tonight. The energy of the moon has got me feeling really great this week and i have decided to launch up some content both old and new to help expand out the horizons of my growing blog ever further.  This first video i feel, is really my best video yet, and i really love it because it covers subject matter that i find to be increasingly important in this period of energy shifting that we are currently experiencing. This really is the ultimate time in history to absorb the knowledge of the higher realms and to learn how to boost out your life potential by beginning to understand how to maximize your daily energy…

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