“STOP What You’re Doing & Do This MEDITATION Instead – NOW!” on YouTube

Pretty dramatic title 😉 I think I know why~ Jake Mace wants everyone to feel good and enjoy life!

The scenery alone is worth the look see. I believe he says Camel back mountain? Jake teaches a very effective 12 points meditation. I find Chi~Gung (Qigong) very powerful, healing, energizing, and spiritually uplifting. Give it a whirl!

Just a tad jealous 🙂 If I didn’t have these damn teeth braces, I’d be on location shooting video like these 😦 Oh well, Jake’s better looking and, is obviously, a very well informed martial artist. Also, these video lessons are FREE! Can’t beat that! Show Jake some appreciation and subscribe,  Thank You!



Dylansdojo.com has great Qi Gong videos, as well.

# Qigong #Shamanistical # kung fu

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The Prismatic Sphere

Protection~Energy~Healing~ Qi~ The Prismatic Sphere

Energy from far~Loving Spirits near~

Shine upon my Prismatic Sphere~

Invisable light fills this place~

with this light, I displace, all the darkness from my space~

Prismatic Sphere,  protector from fear~Cast your light around this vessel, I hold dear~


My personal routine

•Outdoors: beach, woods, & next to a fire.
•Indoors: candle lit room, or close proximity to a fireplace or fire pit.

Highly recommend sitting within a circle. A hoola hoop or other preformed device, makes for a precise and nice sized circle.

Sitting in lotus, relaxed and comfortable,  I proceed with 300 breaths of fire and Third-eye/Crown Qigong~ See attached  video.

Following Qigong~ eyes closed and opposing hands held chest height (heart chakra) I construct, by imagination,  a Chi-ball, or Prismatic-Sphere.

With each breath, as  I exhale, I compress Chi in between (Space between) my opposing hands and feel the subtle energy expand. I imagine a very powerful ball of white light, approximately the size of a soccer ball, hovering inside my hands.

Take nine breaths~ After ninth compression,  holding Qi ball in front, say the verse:

Energies of far~Loving Spirits near~ shine upon my Prismatic Sphere~ Invisable light fills this place~and with this light, I displace, all the darkness from my space~Prismatic Sphere protector from fear~Cast your light around this vessel that I hold dear~

Proceed by taking a deep breath in, as you draw the hands away from eachother, approximately the width of your circle~Expanding your Prismatic Sphere~Encapsulating and filling your entire body with Qi. 《《《~☆~》》》



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Have a magical life,

Jon Paul

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Introduction to Chi-Gung video

Chi-GungChi-Gung: Energy work

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Chi-Gung is the most profound science I applied in my life; hands down! I am a life long athlete that had tried every program, technique or regiment existing on the planet, and one thing for certain, I wish someone would have turned me on to Chi-Gung much earlier in life. In the attached short video, Dylan gives an articulate, short presentation providing a specific exercise known as palms raised to heavens triple burner, a moving meditation exercise for mobilizing, circulating, balancing and storing of energy. This exercise is simple but very effective, coupled with the earlier post Intro into Chi-Gung “Energy work”, will provide the new practitioner with a great foundation to work with. Watch the vid and read the article, once you put into practice you will be very grateful you did! The exercise seems a little slow and boring in comparison to many western exercises, but don’t under-estimate the power of the subtle and spiritual energy gained from Chi-gung practice.                                  

Chi-Gung is for everyone

The awesome thing about Chi-Gung, it’s for everyone! Healthy, sick, young and old, everyone can enjoy the health benefits from practice, and you do not have to belong to a specific religion or be a martial artist to do so. Set aside all the dogma and give it a try! Just thirty peaceful, meditative minutes a day and you’re on the way 🙂 Hope you enjoy, like and share the video so others can catch the opportunity too. Thanks for stopping by! Namaste, love & peace.