Your healing hands

alexgreyjesusalex-grey-body    The attached photo’s are artwork by Alex Grey. Several years ago, I was contemplating the need for a visual reference of  the human energy network and meridians, when I stumbled across Alex’s work, I was blown away! And to this day I still haven’t found a better example to use for visualizing in meditation, or teaching on the subject.  As seen in the Christ rendition, the hands are seemingly lit up at the center of the palms. In TCM these energy gates at the palms center, play a very important role in harnessing, cultivating, moving, storage, and projecting energy.  I cannot stress enough the importance of focusing your thought into your hands, and coordinating with the flow of the breath!  Which, brings me back to the title: YOUR healing hands! Yes, you do the healing, so give focused attention to these energy gates at the center of your palms. With moving practices like Tai Chi Chuan, the body and hands will flow with the tempo of the breath.

In preparation for all meditation/healing practice, I will start by sensitizing the energy gates at the hands. I do this by pressing my  index and middle finger into the center of my hand, taking a deep breath, centering and focusing my thought at the pressure point. One deep breath into each hand is usually enough to get the energy flowing and open up these gates for the proceeding energy work. We now hold our hands out in front of the body facing each other, as if we are gently holding a large balloon.  I practice all my routines with my eyes closed. OK, so now take a deeeeep breath, slowly pull your hands apart as you inhale and slowly push them together as you exhale; should feel as if we are squashing that balloon, or a slight push/pull sensation of the hands. Keep up this routine untill you can feel the polarity at work. If you feel the push/pull with the ebb n flow, you’re ready to Go!

Now that the hands are fired up ready to go, we can experiment a little by feeling the energies all around us, both animate and inanimate, by not touching, but rather, by holding our hands near the object with the palm facing the object we are attempting to connect with. For example, we could test the continuity between your hand and a tree, or family pet, crystals, a glass of water, anything really, just have some fun in practice and over time your hands should become sensitive to the energies around and within you. Remember, you need to open the gates by the compression technique I mentioned earlier, and we should always remember to close these gates upon completion! We do this with our minds by thinking about it, and as added support, you can wave a hand in front of the palm; as if you were cutting a cord attached to the palm. Also, breath deeply and slowly into you lower abdomen while practicing! Feeeeel the subtle energy, moving your hands closer to the object exhaling and moving further away from the object as you inhale.

Not a very complicated process now is it? The real difficulty, mostly, is in the hours of stretching, meditation, accumulating, and the occasional transmutation of  illness, disease, and pain. 😦 And is why Chi-Gung healers must spend years of meditation practice and prepare their mind/bodies to deal with possible difficulties. We will discuss more on the topic of transmutation, in later post and videos. Untill then, practice, practice, practice! Oh, one more thing! I wouldn’t practice with electrical components or in electrical storms!! The human body is a very good conductor of electricity, we are mostly water. I highly recommend multiple sessions with a Chi-Gung or Prana healer! Sometimes Chiropractic firms will have acupuncturist on staff with touchless healing experience. I like to hit pain and injury with a multitude of healing efforts:  Acupuncture; Chiropractic adjustments; massage; hydrotherapy, guided meditation, nutrition, health coaching, Yoga, physical training, and even an occasional blood test 😦 to check my ph balance.

Before proceeding to video, I wanted to layout a good foundation, making it easier to follow the videos, plus I really do not want to break it down everytime I’m waving my hands over someone in practice. We will further examine the human energy channels and their associating elixer fields’ (dan-tien), or Chakras, later. Untill then, Happy healing! Mirrors within mirrors, plans within plans, believe what we will, but God has two hands 😉 Happy healing! Jon Paul
