One Man Holds a PATENT That Could Crush MONSANTO and Change The World, page 1

image ~The Me in Thee~ And ~ Thee in Me~Through all things, I will see~

image ~ Behind blue eyes~

Many are interested in alternatives to dangerous pesticides. Although, I am not sure, if I quite agree with the method mentioned in the attached article. Certainly, an interesting perspective… A little morbid, but interesting. Take a peek.

In regards to Monsanto, I’m not a Fun guy… But create fungi that attracts insects and tricks them into eating a substance that melts them from inside out… Aaa… What! Will people ever unerstand consciousness? Behind all eyes…

I need too further investigate, but, first, I must get rid of the Jeff Goldblum, drumble fly image from my mind. Insect morphing fungi juice… That’s gross!

Can’t we just mix up a sticky cocktail that makes them fly home drunk, so messed up they forget where the field was… Better yet, some kind of laxative that causes severe flatulence- That would be cruel, ya think? No, no, We can do better than that! let’s make a edible fungus that morphs the insect into fungus. Really? Seriously though, I think we can do better. Maybe this is a better option than taking us all out; including the insects? That seems to be the current program…

So much work to do! You would think there would be less unemployment?


#Shamanistical #Behind all eyes

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Watch “Minnesota Mother Faces Jail Time For Giving Son Medical Marijuana” on YouTube


WWJD: He would not have thrown this woman in jail for trying to heal her child! The epitome of evil and stupid!  People still putting effort toward the oppression of cannabis should be charged for a crime against humanity. We need a list: Top 20 oppressors of legalizing cannabis in the USA.

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The Latest Cannabis Science The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know | Alternet



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Half the world’s wildlife gone over last 40 years – CBS News



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