Multivitamins Have No Health Benefits And Could Be Harmful, Researchers Claim – 18 December 2013

Lucas 2012 Infos

RT logo(Lucas:  This is exactly what they want you to belief. Yes there are vitamins produced that have also ‘added bonusses’ or better said unhealthy stuff mixed in but what is fact is the beginning of the outrole of Codex Alimentarius.  Soon after they got your mind conditioned in thinking it is bad for you or has no added bonus towards your health they will pull vitamins, minerals, etc,   from your stores and or just only make it available (like the testing place for this Danmark) in pharmacies on subsciption by your doctor. Who sponsored or funded the research and which persons are connected…. Research,read, see!  It is time you really woke up.)

Three out of three new doctor studies agree: Multivitamin and mineral supplements are a waste of money.

Since November, the publication of three studies has given doctors even more insight into the question of whether or not…

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Shamanistical on flipboard.

dudePlease check us out on the flipboard, an android app with many awesome pictures and articles. Just click it and flip it & please subscribe!

Shamanistical magazine is loaded with my favorite pictures, arts, health, metaphysics, philosophy and just about anything else my discerning eye <0> canjours up… Most likely to have a close relation with materials of blogosphere.  I will throw in some personal  pictures, video, audio, arts; just a grab bag of goodies 😉 of myself, friends & associates in the mix of each magazine….attempt at originality?

The art of  good business is being a good middleman

With all this creativity and sharing going on, sooo much information out there, I thought I’d be a star and pull in some satellites with attaching energies? Birds of a feather kinda thing… I know there are some birds out there with similar interest, or maybe some cool cats 😉

My thanks to all those compiling the media, so we all can easily view and share. Please take a few moments, subscribe by hitting a button (in most cases) and give support to all those working & sharing.

Artist shaping heavenly bodies

And the not so heavenly 🙂 View all things with a grain of salt, because it just may be shaped or reshaped by a photoshop artist. Enjoy this video presentation showing how easy it is making the not so perfect seem just a little more so.

Macrocosmic & Microcosmic you


Awesome video presentation as a prelude to understanding the etheric field that extends through all things “The Space between”

You will enjoy every second of this video. A real eye-and-heart opener for every human being!

ActivistPost – Michael Snyder – 28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima – 23 October 2013

Lucas 2012 Infos

Logo_activistpost-comThe map below comes from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring stations all over the country are elevated. As you will notice, this is particularly true along the west coast of the United States. Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean. That means that the total amount of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain.

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Article: Modern Eco-Friendly Homes Set Amongst the Trees

eco tree house

Modern Eco-Friendly Homes Set Amongst the Trees

We need more of this and less sprawl building, especially here in Florida! Great article, thanks for sharing! Enjoy

Beach Shots

This gallery contains 6 photos.

More quick hitters with the Galaxy S4.  Jon Paul & Dylan playing around puppy beach Pier Park, doing some bad wolverine poses 🙂

Max Igan – Stuff You Need To Know – 22 September 2013

Max Igan radio broadcast. Max has a very pleasing voice, providing a stimulating, insightful look at our social stucture. An offer of awakening without the chicken little approach, while giving useful, revealing truths we can all benefit by observing. Show him some love, like and share please.

Lucas 2012 Infos

Uploaded on 20 September 2013 by thecrowhouse Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – September 20th, 2013 IP:

View original post 120 more words

Football season on the gulf coast

Just having some fun, it helps to manifest desired outcome. laugh a little!

Just having some fun, it helps to manifest desired outcome. laugh a little!

It’s that time again, Huge smile 🙂 gorgeous weather, awesome sunsets, changing colors, and most importantly, football season! Lol… Even for someone who can’t watch very much tele, I am still pulled by the power of the dark side of the force 🙂  I mean, who can argue with fantasy football?? Such a powerful statement I’m already off into another fantasy and  forgot what I was going to write about. Oh yeah, football.. Here on the gulf coast Florida, football is a huge force; pulling together the majority of thoughts, shifting the sway of the substantial consciousness. Almost, everyone I talk too on the weekends is thinking football and some are down right football zombies!

Very alluring programming, these modern-day gladiators… hard not to get drawn in? Idk, maybe it’s just me, but every weekend I feel this dramatic ebb n flow of energy with football,  and here on the gulf coast, it is has huge fluctuations!! All these crazy fans, and all from different places, representing different teams, ahhhh… gotta luv them 🙂 I like people, most of the time, but for the most part I enjoy being around groups of happy people and why football has such an alluring power over me-  woogie woogie boogie 😉

Anyway, I do myself a huge favor and have taken upon myself a routine of riding my bike to go watch football, and man o man, do I luv it! I get a dose of nature along the way, fresh air, animals, trees, clouds, sun, beach, and the occasional zombie 🙂 as well as a very meditative, relaxing, cardio workout. Maybe give it a try??? Jump on that bike and cruise over to your favorite place to enjoy the games.

One of my favorite places to ride to is Pineapple Wiley’s,  not a vegan kind of place but they do their best to accommodate my appetite while I visit. Willy’s location alone is reason enough to take the ride over; absolutely gorgeous beach & beach views, cool breeze blowing off the coast, always an open table for the game and the staff have always been top-notch friendly people. I can take a swim during half-time, rinse off and get my seat back with no problem. I have been to many of sports bars, not many have compared to Willy’s for daytime beach & football on Sunday afternoon. Always seems to be a friendly, vibrant, happy crowd around willy’s beach, with watercraft rentals, abundance of foods & beverages, you may think you’re at a football oasis… Try and post up some pictures soon.  Pineapple Willy's Restaurant

Another favorite along the coast here is Shade’s at the loop on old hwy 30A, right down the street from Rosemary beach. Shades, as well, has much to offer for the wayward football fan. You can most likely find any game you’re looking for at any given time, they will do their best to make it happen for you. I have always been able to see even the most unwatched teams in the area, from hockey to football.  Shades also has an abundance of food & beverages, from your typical sports bar grub to the much admired fish entre and every drink your imagination can drum up. There was a time I would journey up and down the large selection of draft beers, now I’m a cheap date and mostly stick to ginger ale 🙂 Whatever you thirst, Shades experienced bar staff can mix it up for you. Shades is nestled in Inlet beach, and has a gorgeous beach access on Orange St. just a few minutes from the restaurant. Before and After the game, one can enjoy a bike ride around Inlet beach, or a jaunt down the 30A- a ride that if you only do once, you would most certainly remember! If it’s beach, bike, and bar day, hard to beat Shades at Inlet beach Florida. Always a happy atmosphere, comfortable air-conditioned dining and despite the diversity in fans, always a friendly place to take in a game while you’re taken away by the beautiful Gulf Coast Florida. Come See us! Love and Peace, Jon Paul
