How to ignite daily passion and energy with passion foods and high carb/low fat dieting video lecture by Dylan | Dylan’s Dojo


Hi friends,

I’m proud to  introduce Ya’ll 😉 to Dylan Gilbert, ~  I know you will find the site and Dylan,  “An Exploration of Thought”.

Please visit! Share your thoughts and explore Dylan’s world.  Dylan is gifted and very wise for a young lad, I  think he may be at least ten thousand years old, in a twenty five year old body 🙂

Dylan will be busy protecting beach patrons, as a lifeguard here on the beautiful Gulf Coast, Florida. He is a decorated guard, I believe, from a multiple rescue event a few years back. Dylan, genuinely wishes to help people  and lifeguarding gives him that opportunity, sometimes, in a very hazardous fasion!

Dylan and I worked on the beach, Lifeguard/Emergency medical response, for three years and we witnessed how fast things can get crazy! Weather changes,  waves and multidirectional rip currents, many people in the water, calls coming in from all over the beach! 😦  yeah, it can get crazy! Not often, but enough to really gain  respect for those that stick their necks out! Yes, even those pesky peace officers 🙂 They really do have to deal with some ugly behavior at times. It’s that old saying ~ walk a mile in another person’s shoes, kind of thing. Myself, I’m grateful for anyone at service to others; whatever the capacity! Everyone can use a helping hand now and then.


Speaking of shoes, Dylan’s are pretty active and running thin. When not rescuing damsel in distress from raging water, he is busy with art, music, writing, yoga, martial-arts, marketing, Qigong, shooting video,  parkour training and even squeezes in a few privates. He has such high aspirations; so many awesome ideas, skill,  potential and projects to offer the human race! I’m very excited  for him and anyone that joins him in these endeavors. Embark on a journey with Dylan,  a truly amazing,  thought provoking person.  Check him out! We will be posting many youtube videos this summer as well. So, check back often and please follow!

Thank you! Jp

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“STOP What You’re Doing & Do This MEDITATION Instead – NOW!” on YouTube

Pretty dramatic title 😉 I think I know why~ Jake Mace wants everyone to feel good and enjoy life!

The scenery alone is worth the look see. I believe he says Camel back mountain? Jake teaches a very effective 12 points meditation. I find Chi~Gung (Qigong) very powerful, healing, energizing, and spiritually uplifting. Give it a whirl!

Just a tad jealous 🙂 If I didn’t have these damn teeth braces, I’d be on location shooting video like these 😦 Oh well, Jake’s better looking and, is obviously, a very well informed martial artist. Also, these video lessons are FREE! Can’t beat that! Show Jake some appreciation and subscribe,  Thank You!


image has great Qi Gong videos, as well.

# Qigong #Shamanistical # kung fu

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Watch “Scott Adkins (Yuri Boyka) & Ginger Ninja Trickster Sampler” on YouTube


Why yoga? This is why:

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