The Woman Fighting Yoga’s Skinny-Girl Stereotype — The Cut


Great article!  I avoided yoga class because I was emitting a rough odor 😦
Remember!  We all have some hangups and fear. Forget about it! Learn some poses online and enjoy a nice session outdoors.
You can’t beat having a good teacher and you will find out, there is nothing to be afraid of. Join a class today and be happy and healthy tomorrow.


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Oil slicks spread 9 miles off California, foul beaches, air – Yahoo News

Look at this water. Please keep it clean! After 2010 oil spill, yes, there was black tar in the water and on the beach; divers say it’s still out there… As far as the CORE exit…  Yes! My core wanted an exit 😦 Just a coincidence, that three of us training in the water and living 200′ from the Gulf of Mexico, experienced abdominal pain and digestive issues, at the same time…

Be diligent in your efforts to protect water!  See last photo





             So this does not happen!

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Low blood pressure with medicine tied to faster mental decline


And why it is so important to grow and protect our natural food sources! Give nature a chance to heal you, and give nature a chance to heal too! #natural health #Shamanistical # homeostasis

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NaturalNews – Jonathan Landsman – GMO Dangers Revealed By Former U.S. Government Scientist – 1 March 2015


Lucas 2012 Infos

NaturalNewss Logo-April-2014(NaturalNews) Since 1996, when genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first introduced, we have seen a dramatic rise in the rates of food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders and digestive problems. Of course, companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta – which own approximately half of the entire proprietary seed market – would have you believe that GMO dangers don’t exist. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Independent GMO research gets attacked and suppressed. But, on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you’ll get to hear (first hand) what a former USDA research microbiologist has to say about the dangers of GMOs. After listening to this program – you’ll think twice about our food supply and, hopefully, have the confidence to share this news with your family and friends. Join us for a great show!

View original post 689 more words

Birdman & the Ruby Red Smoothie

Nope, not Michael Keaton. Just a dude and a random bird friend~ Lexi (I think?) She does tricks too!  When we poison the sky, we hurt birds! Spend a little time with a bird friend; They don’t eat much, but do draw attention.


Also, Here’s some Alchemy for you, one of my favorite breakfast smoothies. Turning my lead body into Golden sunshine.

Root & Core

Dark ruby red 《《《~♡~》》》
Bullet ensemble~
Ice~Beats~Carrots~Kale~Spinach~super greens~banana~Goji~Maca Root~Apple cider vinegar~hemp seed~MSM~spring water~morning blend (pineapple, orange, mango) Dash of organic sugar. I was jacked with energy, all day! 








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Half the world’s wildlife gone over last 40 years – CBS News



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Article: The Earth is a Sentient Living Organism


The Earth is a Sentient Living Organism

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Article: Does Consciousness Shift to Another Universe at Death?

Does Consciousness Shift to Another Universe at Death?</a/

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Introduction to Chi-Gung video

Chi-GungChi-Gung: Energy work

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Chi-Gung is the most profound science I applied in my life; hands down! I am a life long athlete that had tried every program, technique or regiment existing on the planet, and one thing for certain, I wish someone would have turned me on to Chi-Gung much earlier in life. In the attached short video, Dylan gives an articulate, short presentation providing a specific exercise known as palms raised to heavens triple burner, a moving meditation exercise for mobilizing, circulating, balancing and storing of energy. This exercise is simple but very effective, coupled with the earlier post Intro into Chi-Gung “Energy work”, will provide the new practitioner with a great foundation to work with. Watch the vid and read the article, once you put into practice you will be very grateful you did! The exercise seems a little slow and boring in comparison to many western exercises, but don’t under-estimate the power of the subtle and spiritual energy gained from Chi-gung practice.                                  

Chi-Gung is for everyone

The awesome thing about Chi-Gung, it’s for everyone! Healthy, sick, young and old, everyone can enjoy the health benefits from practice, and you do not have to belong to a specific religion or be a martial artist to do so. Set aside all the dogma and give it a try! Just thirty peaceful, meditative minutes a day and you’re on the way 🙂 Hope you enjoy, like and share the video so others can catch the opportunity too. Thanks for stopping by! Namaste, love & peace.