Banana Land

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Originally posted on Source of Inspiration:
I live in a land of bananas, the fruit of the golden smile. Eaten sun-warmed on a summer day, it is a treat of simple delight. The monkeys throw me bananas from the tree tops and I eat them with quiet wonder of how nature works together if only…

Amazing story of a saved dog and her new friend.

There are many stories of saved animals, but this one was mind-blowing! My utmost respect for Hope for Paws for saving Miley and her new friend. I can’t believe they found that cute little chihuahua in a drain pipe; they are the sweetest man loving animal! I am definitely going to allocate some time and effort to this cause,  and the first thing is to give a little donation to Hope for Paws, these people are awesome! If I were old and mangy, ok maybe just a lil mangy 🙂 I would sure like a friends like Miley ended up with. Anyway, those small donations add up to situations like this one in the video; a suffering dog receiving a new leash on life 😉 Share! It’s feel good food for the soul!

Multivitamins Have No Health Benefits And Could Be Harmful, Researchers Claim – 18 December 2013

Lucas 2012 Infos

RT logo(Lucas:  This is exactly what they want you to belief. Yes there are vitamins produced that have also ‘added bonusses’ or better said unhealthy stuff mixed in but what is fact is the beginning of the outrole of Codex Alimentarius.  Soon after they got your mind conditioned in thinking it is bad for you or has no added bonus towards your health they will pull vitamins, minerals, etc,   from your stores and or just only make it available (like the testing place for this Danmark) in pharmacies on subsciption by your doctor. Who sponsored or funded the research and which persons are connected…. Research,read, see!  It is time you really woke up.)

Three out of three new doctor studies agree: Multivitamin and mineral supplements are a waste of money.

Since November, the publication of three studies has given doctors even more insight into the question of whether or not…

View original post 176 more words

Watch “Journey Through the Universe – Urantia Book” on YouTube

My first impression after seeing this video: Wow!!! I know you will enjoy it as well. Have not been able to do research on the creator(s) but I just couldn’t wait to post this up for people wandering by the site to  catch a lucky glimpse.  I would sure like to get some feedback; discussions help me learn more about, well, everything! The artist that created this video are amazing and really bring to life, what I had invisioned to be, the concentric construct of the macro and micro universe- “as above, so below” I am going to go out and buy the book asap! Hope some others already have and can fill me in on some details. Hope you enjoy! Love and Peace, Jon Paul

Shamanistical on flipboard.

dudePlease check us out on the flipboard, an android app with many awesome pictures and articles. Just click it and flip it & please subscribe!

Shamanistical magazine is loaded with my favorite pictures, arts, health, metaphysics, philosophy and just about anything else my discerning eye <0> canjours up… Most likely to have a close relation with materials of blogosphere.  I will throw in some personal  pictures, video, audio, arts; just a grab bag of goodies 😉 of myself, friends & associates in the mix of each magazine….attempt at originality?

The art of  good business is being a good middleman

With all this creativity and sharing going on, sooo much information out there, I thought I’d be a star and pull in some satellites with attaching energies? Birds of a feather kinda thing… I know there are some birds out there with similar interest, or maybe some cool cats 😉

My thanks to all those compiling the media, so we all can easily view and share. Please take a few moments, subscribe by hitting a button (in most cases) and give support to all those working & sharing.

Artist shaping heavenly bodies

And the not so heavenly 🙂 View all things with a grain of salt, because it just may be shaped or reshaped by a photoshop artist. Enjoy this video presentation showing how easy it is making the not so perfect seem just a little more so.

Macrocosmic & Microcosmic you


Awesome video presentation as a prelude to understanding the etheric field that extends through all things “The Space between”

You will enjoy every second of this video. A real eye-and-heart opener for every human being!

Article: Ten of the world’s most mind-blowing landscapes

Ten of the world’s most mind-blowing landscapes

aura trees

Article: Modern Eco-Friendly Homes Set Amongst the Trees

eco tree house

Modern Eco-Friendly Homes Set Amongst the Trees

We need more of this and less sprawl building, especially here in Florida! Great article, thanks for sharing! Enjoy