In key swing states, weed is polling better than all potential 2016 candidates – The Washington Post

Personal freedoms seem to be more popular than those responsable for taking them. Check out this article.

The numbers, I’m sure, would be significantly more in favor of freeing cannabis, if more knew the truth about the plant and it’s miraculous healing properties. Also, I’m confident the numbers reported in most polls are greatly skewed because a large majority of those in favor of decriminalizing the Plant, are unaccounted for… There wasn’t a person under 45 at the center during my last trip to vote here in Florida. If the younger peoples voices were heard, I’m quite sure, the numbers will be much higher in favor of decriminalizing.

Many, many people keep asking the question– If the people are in favor, then why are we still waiting for public employees to give us permission?

When will we see, if ever, the return of democracy– True Democratic process? Decriminalizing natures five-finger healing herb will be a great start! Get it done! Reschedule now!

The entire public– If at all concerned with personal freedoms, should be paying close attention to the cannabis debate– It really does have deeper roots in human-rights issues. If your on the fence, talk to a naturopathic doctor, yogi,  nutritionist, or somebody with vast experience and understanding of the plant. Also, scroll through the blog and research related articles!

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Article: 5 Things You Should Know About Vitamin D Deficiency

5 Things You Should Know About Vitamin D Deficiency


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Half the world’s wildlife gone over last 40 years – CBS News



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Watch “How to Use a Vaporizer Marijuana Tricks & Tips w/ Bogart #2” on YouTube

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Article: Pot Tourism: How to Buy Marijuana in Washington State

Pot Tourism: How to Buy Marijuana in Washington State


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Article: Does Consciousness Shift to Another Universe at Death?

Does Consciousness Shift to Another Universe at Death?</a/

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Watch “KTVA reporter quits on air, reveals herself as owner of Alaska Cannabis Club‬” on YouTube

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Watch “How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland, The Science of The Pineal Gland and Third Eye Activation” on YouTube

Introduction to Chi-Gung video

Chi-GungChi-Gung: Energy work

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Chi-Gung is the most profound science I applied in my life; hands down! I am a life long athlete that had tried every program, technique or regiment existing on the planet, and one thing for certain, I wish someone would have turned me on to Chi-Gung much earlier in life. In the attached short video, Dylan gives an articulate, short presentation providing a specific exercise known as palms raised to heavens triple burner, a moving meditation exercise for mobilizing, circulating, balancing and storing of energy. This exercise is simple but very effective, coupled with the earlier post Intro into Chi-Gung “Energy work”, will provide the new practitioner with a great foundation to work with. Watch the vid and read the article, once you put into practice you will be very grateful you did! The exercise seems a little slow and boring in comparison to many western exercises, but don’t under-estimate the power of the subtle and spiritual energy gained from Chi-gung practice.                                  

Chi-Gung is for everyone

The awesome thing about Chi-Gung, it’s for everyone! Healthy, sick, young and old, everyone can enjoy the health benefits from practice, and you do not have to belong to a specific religion or be a martial artist to do so. Set aside all the dogma and give it a try! Just thirty peaceful, meditative minutes a day and you’re on the way 🙂 Hope you enjoy, like and share the video so others can catch the opportunity too. Thanks for stopping by! Namaste, love & peace.

Banana Land

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Originally posted on Source of Inspiration:
I live in a land of bananas, the fruit of the golden smile. Eaten sun-warmed on a summer day, it is a treat of simple delight. The monkeys throw me bananas from the tree tops and I eat them with quiet wonder of how nature works together if only…