Multivitamins Have No Health Benefits And Could Be Harmful, Researchers Claim – 18 December 2013

Lucas 2012 Infos

RT logo(Lucas:  This is exactly what they want you to belief. Yes there are vitamins produced that have also ‘added bonusses’ or better said unhealthy stuff mixed in but what is fact is the beginning of the outrole of Codex Alimentarius.  Soon after they got your mind conditioned in thinking it is bad for you or has no added bonus towards your health they will pull vitamins, minerals, etc,   from your stores and or just only make it available (like the testing place for this Danmark) in pharmacies on subsciption by your doctor. Who sponsored or funded the research and which persons are connected…. Research,read, see!  It is time you really woke up.)

Three out of three new doctor studies agree: Multivitamin and mineral supplements are a waste of money.

Since November, the publication of three studies has given doctors even more insight into the question of whether or not…

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Shamanistical on flipboard.

dudePlease check us out on the flipboard, an android app with many awesome pictures and articles. Just click it and flip it & please subscribe!

Shamanistical magazine is loaded with my favorite pictures, arts, health, metaphysics, philosophy and just about anything else my discerning eye <0> canjours up… Most likely to have a close relation with materials of blogosphere.  I will throw in some personal  pictures, video, audio, arts; just a grab bag of goodies 😉 of myself, friends & associates in the mix of each magazine….attempt at originality?

The art of  good business is being a good middleman

With all this creativity and sharing going on, sooo much information out there, I thought I’d be a star and pull in some satellites with attaching energies? Birds of a feather kinda thing… I know there are some birds out there with similar interest, or maybe some cool cats 😉

My thanks to all those compiling the media, so we all can easily view and share. Please take a few moments, subscribe by hitting a button (in most cases) and give support to all those working & sharing.

Artist shaping heavenly bodies

And the not so heavenly 🙂 View all things with a grain of salt, because it just may be shaped or reshaped by a photoshop artist. Enjoy this video presentation showing how easy it is making the not so perfect seem just a little more so.

Beach Shots

This gallery contains 6 photos.

More quick hitters with the Galaxy S4.  Jon Paul & Dylan playing around puppy beach Pier Park, doing some bad wolverine poses 🙂

Max Igan – Stuff You Need To Know – 22 September 2013

Max Igan radio broadcast. Max has a very pleasing voice, providing a stimulating, insightful look at our social stucture. An offer of awakening without the chicken little approach, while giving useful, revealing truths we can all benefit by observing. Show him some love, like and share please.

Lucas 2012 Infos

Uploaded on 20 September 2013 by thecrowhouse Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – September 20th, 2013 IP:

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Power of thought and hammering home the law of attraction.

thinkerNamaste, Love & Blessings to all.

I hope everyone had an awesome summer, you deserve it! Believing that you are deserving, and as difficult as it may seem at times, may be the only way to realize your dreams & desires. Set the abundance & prosperity wheels in motion by managing your thoughts, rather than having the outside world controlling your life by distracting you, thus ultimately controlling you like a puppet on strings. Free your mind and gain more creative control of your life!  It may seem like overkill to some, hammering away at this one particular natural law; but the importance cannot be stressed enough! You are what you think!

Seems as if every time I get ready to shoot audio/video on a subject, I stumble across another youtube video that disseminates the message I was planning to present, lucky for me 🙂 saves a little time and effort. With all the effort I am engaging into energy accumulation, conservation and efficient reallocation, I am very grateful for the wonderful people like James Allen, the author of As a Man thinketh and Brian Johnson’s audio presentation from Do yourself a huge favor and listen to the attached video, purchase the book and visit mindpowerwords youtube channel.  Also, for an excellent read on the Law of attraction, visit

There are many facets in the stone of imagination and getting oneself in the vibrational state necessary for the mastery of manifestation and desired outcome, as with most skills, requires much practice and effort. It’s not at all easy analyzing one’s own thoughts, especially when we are bombarded with outside world programming all the time. I highly recommend limited time staring into screens and watching commercials, get some fresh air and connect with nature! I find it much easier to get my mind balanced in a peaceful outdoor setting, making it easier to use my imagination.

Life is your imagination in motion on an infinite spiraling road of causality. We just as well enjoy the scenery along the way; our own personal sculptured masterpiece; a mandala of vibrant color woven by our choices we make and the thoughts we choose to set all into motion. Dreamers in search of a paradical destination. How can one use their imagination to shape and chisel their dream life when they are expected to carry out someone else’s grand illusion? You don’t have to take away a man’s free will if he is distracted enough not to know he has any. To know why the effect, one must look at the cause, and being mindful of your thoughts allows one to make determinations on why the effect came to be. We may recognize that we are continually reaffirming a negative outcome in our life. Try as hard as one can to reaffirm a positive outcome, just hammer it home with imagination, and above all else, try to attach these thoughts to joy and happiness!

We are presented with many obstacles and dream squashing distractions along the way. The very well-known metaphor Asketh and ye shall receive, though is true and does work, should have been worded Asketh and ye shall receive, but only if you have no doubt and fear… I don’t care what spiritual inclinations one has, all is of mind. I know a poor Christian and a wealthy Christian, as well as a wealthy Muslim and a poor Muslim; all of whom are each responsible for their conditions in life.  If you are asking to receive, you best believe in what you are asking for and even more importantly know you are in the cycle to receive.

Giving and receiving is a cycle, and if we are not part of the giving cycle, the natural laws of the universe will not allow for the receiving.  An unwilling heart is just that, if you are unwilling to give, then you have taken yourself right out of the cycle to receive. Believe it or not, many greedy people continue to receive, even given the disparity involved. Likely due to strong belief in themselves, diligent efforts, and the fact they are in the cycle at all; the by-product of invoking by means of giving employment, charities, or simply just knowing what they want and applying the thought of it in their mind’s eye relentlessly. If you’re not in, you’re out. So get yourself in the cycle and give in some fashion, one way or another, and you will also be in a position to receive!

Yes, It may appear to be a selfish act, this giving to receive, but do not let guilt or fear distract us from our desires, it’s just simply a universal law: The Law of Attraction.  I am going to get a little selfish and present some very powerful tools with a few videos that WILL help anyone that will put into practice! Take a look and please tell me of your experience. Love and Peace, Jon Paul

YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW! Sending out those good vibes will bring them right back at you!

Where’s the beef?

Cows have feelings too

Cows have feelings too

Growing up in the heartland of America gave me a close and personal experience of the agriculture industry, especially the mass production of animals like cows, pigs, and chickens. For many years I was told that it was necessary for humans to consume animals in order to live, we needed the protein and other nutrients consumed by these animals, and it was all part of the natural process.  I spent many hours on farms, ranches, and feedlots watching these animals, and the one thing that really caught my attention was how intelligent and loving to each other these animals are and how one species, like a pig, would accept, live with,  and sometimes care for an animal of another species. It was difficult indeed, especially if you generally like animals and even made a few of them pet friends. In order to facilitate my diet I simply just put it out of my mind, every time the thought or TRUTH popped up, I justified by thinking it was the natural order of things.  Also, I knew many of my friends and their families relied on this industry for money, making it even more difficult to change one’s perspective or opinion on the subject.  Simply put, I lied to myself and anyone else opposed to the industry. Now many years later and no longer living in the midwest I have found it much easier to take an altruistic view on the subject. Also, I’m not as concerned about stepping on toe’s; not as if I am the whistle-blower on the subject, Hollywood has done much of that with movies like Fast food nation.  Anyway, it could not be avoided as I went introspectively with yoga and meditation, it was impossible for me to continue to ignore my experiences on the farms. The flood gates opened and all the dirty little secrets resurfaced. I was reminded of the neglect, abuse,  and torture of these animals, as well as the nasty feeds and injections that are used.  And don’t even get me started about the way workers of the feedlots, slaughterhouses,  and packing plants, are treated and grossly underpaid in comparison to the workers with the same jobs forty to fifty years ago. I could also write a book about examples of the bad karma experienced by many people I knew that were associated with this industry as well.  One thing for certain, it did not take much to convince me to try alternatives with my diet.

Let us set aside any moral questions at this moment and ask one question: Is it necessary to kill animals in order for humans to survive? Well, that’s easy to answer.  NO! Not only are there many vegans and vegetarians living as proof, but there are athletes that train and compete at a high levels without any animal proteins or animal bi-products (as seen in the attached video) and most likely have an advantage over those that do consume animal flesh. For myself, it was a question of dead energy (cooked animal flesh) vs live energy (raw or uncooked foods) and  raw meats just does not sound all that appetizing to me.  And of course my moral obligation as a cultivator of creation is equally important as well! I was going to post some videos of my current level of athletic training to give a visual account of my progress since going vegan but the vegan fitness stars in the attached video beat me too it 😦 Actually, I had some slight hang-ups from yoga and was not quite as far along as these guys, and more importantly I wanted to get family and friends to enjoy the benefits of the vegan diet:  more mental & physical energy, efficient digestion, low nonessential fats,  and good karma 🙂 Step it up, Go Vegan!