NaturalNews – Jonathan Landsman – GMO Dangers Revealed By Former U.S. Government Scientist – 1 March 2015


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NaturalNewss Logo-April-2014(NaturalNews) Since 1996, when genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first introduced, we have seen a dramatic rise in the rates of food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders and digestive problems. Of course, companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta – which own approximately half of the entire proprietary seed market – would have you believe that GMO dangers don’t exist. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Independent GMO research gets attacked and suppressed. But, on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you’ll get to hear (first hand) what a former USDA research microbiologist has to say about the dangers of GMOs. After listening to this program – you’ll think twice about our food supply and, hopefully, have the confidence to share this news with your family and friends. Join us for a great show!

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ActivistPost – Michael Snyder – 28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima – 23 October 2013

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Logo_activistpost-comThe map below comes from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring stations all over the country are elevated. As you will notice, this is particularly true along the west coast of the United States. Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean. That means that the total amount of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain.

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ActivistPost – New Island Rises Out Of The Sea During 7.8 Earthquake In Pakistan – 24 September 2013

Wow! A must see and follow up!

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New island reported off Pakistan after 7.8 quake

There are breaking reports of a new island rising out of the sea due to a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake in southern Pakistan.

Reuters reports:

A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 45 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country’s southern coast.

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