Shamanistical on flipboard.

dudePlease check us out on the flipboard, an android app with many awesome pictures and articles. Just click it and flip it & please subscribe!

Shamanistical magazine is loaded with my favorite pictures, arts, health, metaphysics, philosophy and just about anything else my discerning eye <0> canjours up… Most likely to have a close relation with materials of blogosphere.  I will throw in some personal  pictures, video, audio, arts; just a grab bag of goodies 😉 of myself, friends & associates in the mix of each magazine….attempt at originality?

The art of  good business is being a good middleman

With all this creativity and sharing going on, sooo much information out there, I thought I’d be a star and pull in some satellites with attaching energies? Birds of a feather kinda thing… I know there are some birds out there with similar interest, or maybe some cool cats 😉

My thanks to all those compiling the media, so we all can easily view and share. Please take a few moments, subscribe by hitting a button (in most cases) and give support to all those working & sharing.

Artist shaping heavenly bodies

And the not so heavenly 🙂 View all things with a grain of salt, because it just may be shaped or reshaped by a photoshop artist. Enjoy this video presentation showing how easy it is making the not so perfect seem just a little more so.

Beach Shots

This gallery contains 6 photos.

More quick hitters with the Galaxy S4.  Jon Paul & Dylan playing around puppy beach Pier Park, doing some bad wolverine poses 🙂

Snap Shotties with the Samsung Galaxy S4

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Just some quick hitters with my new GS4. Not much planning and forethought, more of your typical first date playing around stuff. First Impression: Wow! I likey! Lots of bells and whistles for the blogger. Can I get some Daiya cheese with that? 😉 I was especially pleased with how the low light shots are […]