Video update – Dylan speaks of igniting daily passion and energy with passion foods and high carb/low fat dieting

Empowering information from a true alchemist.

Dylan's Dojo

Hello everyone! It’s the october full moon, one of my favorite weeks of the year, and this one happens to be especially awesome do to the added energies of a partial lunar eclipse happening later tonight. The energy of the moon has got me feeling really great this week and i have decided to launch up some content both old and new to help expand out the horizons of my growing blog ever further.  This first video i feel, is really my best video yet, and i really love it because it covers subject matter that i find to be increasingly important in this period of energy shifting that we are currently experiencing. This really is the ultimate time in history to absorb the knowledge of the higher realms and to learn how to boost out your life potential by beginning to understand how to maximize your daily energy…

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What the Fukushima?

nukeIs anyone in the United States aware of the level of danger with  Fukushima? I rarely hear anyone talking about this subject, locally, or even at the national level.  Sure, I catch a video, or read an article here and there; but I must look for it on the net, and even that exposure is meek in comparison to a Miley Cyrus bit.  I can’t recall the last time I seen a news report on television; I rarely watch tv, but even so,  with something as important and dire as this situation, you would think it would be the main world focus, an international coalition or something?

I have heard reports that Fukushima is spewing out radiation into our waters & atmosphere the equivalent of  Ten  Hiroshima bombs, every hour! Did you read that? This coming from upper-tier nuclear physicist. Ten Hiroshima bombs every hour in radioactive material….WTF?

If this is true and there is that extreme level of threat to the planet and everything that lives on earth, why the minimal exposure?

WIthin the next 60 days a procedure will begin that has the potential of threatening the health of the entire earth. This article does a good job of explaining what is at stake when TEPCO begins the extremely perilous task of removing 400 tons of spent fuel assemblies from the cooling pool teetering above the debris of the #4 reactor.

This threatens not only a fissionable event with approximately 1400 fuel assemblies, it threatens a criticality if the entire pool collapses into a pile. This threatens the ability of humans or even machines from keeping the 6000 fuel assemblies (how MANY tons is that) stored only 50 meters away in cooling containment…and a total of 11,000 fuel assemblies on site, and of course the three melting cores that are as we speak headed to the mantle of the Earth, from multiplying this event into one the size that threatens the health of every creature on this Earth.
Read it. I agree that the entire world needs to be involved with this…that every government of this Earth needs to offer their assistance and any idea we have that can help prevent this disaster needs to be applied.

However…my fear…is that TPTB have already considered this…and see no solution and no way to prevent the oncoming disaster…and are only trying to delay the chaos and panic that will set in when it becomes impossible to hide the truth of the enormity of what has already happened and what is to be.

I think it’s time to evaluate our priorities, allocate our time and efforts toward something a little more important than bank accounts and pop stars? Like, saving the freaking planet?? What do they (the power that be; or those that have the resources) have against Earth? All this abuse, carnage, extreme dissolution… Is this really a necessary evil, or polarity? I for one, am just really perplexed… We all need to get involved and help the Japanese people help us!


My thoughts and prayers… not just for the Japanese people in close proximity, but every single one of us, we are one! ONE to Complexity. Love and Peace, Jon Paul

Beach Shots

This gallery contains 6 photos.

More quick hitters with the Galaxy S4.  Jon Paul & Dylan playing around puppy beach Pier Park, doing some bad wolverine poses 🙂

Football season on the gulf coast

Just having some fun, it helps to manifest desired outcome. laugh a little!

Just having some fun, it helps to manifest desired outcome. laugh a little!

It’s that time again, Huge smile 🙂 gorgeous weather, awesome sunsets, changing colors, and most importantly, football season! Lol… Even for someone who can’t watch very much tele, I am still pulled by the power of the dark side of the force 🙂  I mean, who can argue with fantasy football?? Such a powerful statement I’m already off into another fantasy and  forgot what I was going to write about. Oh yeah, football.. Here on the gulf coast Florida, football is a huge force; pulling together the majority of thoughts, shifting the sway of the substantial consciousness. Almost, everyone I talk too on the weekends is thinking football and some are down right football zombies!

Very alluring programming, these modern-day gladiators… hard not to get drawn in? Idk, maybe it’s just me, but every weekend I feel this dramatic ebb n flow of energy with football,  and here on the gulf coast, it is has huge fluctuations!! All these crazy fans, and all from different places, representing different teams, ahhhh… gotta luv them 🙂 I like people, most of the time, but for the most part I enjoy being around groups of happy people and why football has such an alluring power over me-  woogie woogie boogie 😉

Anyway, I do myself a huge favor and have taken upon myself a routine of riding my bike to go watch football, and man o man, do I luv it! I get a dose of nature along the way, fresh air, animals, trees, clouds, sun, beach, and the occasional zombie 🙂 as well as a very meditative, relaxing, cardio workout. Maybe give it a try??? Jump on that bike and cruise over to your favorite place to enjoy the games.

One of my favorite places to ride to is Pineapple Wiley’s,  not a vegan kind of place but they do their best to accommodate my appetite while I visit. Willy’s location alone is reason enough to take the ride over; absolutely gorgeous beach & beach views, cool breeze blowing off the coast, always an open table for the game and the staff have always been top-notch friendly people. I can take a swim during half-time, rinse off and get my seat back with no problem. I have been to many of sports bars, not many have compared to Willy’s for daytime beach & football on Sunday afternoon. Always seems to be a friendly, vibrant, happy crowd around willy’s beach, with watercraft rentals, abundance of foods & beverages, you may think you’re at a football oasis… Try and post up some pictures soon.  Pineapple Willy's Restaurant

Another favorite along the coast here is Shade’s at the loop on old hwy 30A, right down the street from Rosemary beach. Shades, as well, has much to offer for the wayward football fan. You can most likely find any game you’re looking for at any given time, they will do their best to make it happen for you. I have always been able to see even the most unwatched teams in the area, from hockey to football.  Shades also has an abundance of food & beverages, from your typical sports bar grub to the much admired fish entre and every drink your imagination can drum up. There was a time I would journey up and down the large selection of draft beers, now I’m a cheap date and mostly stick to ginger ale 🙂 Whatever you thirst, Shades experienced bar staff can mix it up for you. Shades is nestled in Inlet beach, and has a gorgeous beach access on Orange St. just a few minutes from the restaurant. Before and After the game, one can enjoy a bike ride around Inlet beach, or a jaunt down the 30A- a ride that if you only do once, you would most certainly remember! If it’s beach, bike, and bar day, hard to beat Shades at Inlet beach Florida. Always a happy atmosphere, comfortable air-conditioned dining and despite the diversity in fans, always a friendly place to take in a game while you’re taken away by the beautiful Gulf Coast Florida. Come See us! Love and Peace, Jon Paul


Power of thought and hammering home the law of attraction.

thinkerNamaste, Love & Blessings to all.

I hope everyone had an awesome summer, you deserve it! Believing that you are deserving, and as difficult as it may seem at times, may be the only way to realize your dreams & desires. Set the abundance & prosperity wheels in motion by managing your thoughts, rather than having the outside world controlling your life by distracting you, thus ultimately controlling you like a puppet on strings. Free your mind and gain more creative control of your life!  It may seem like overkill to some, hammering away at this one particular natural law; but the importance cannot be stressed enough! You are what you think!

Seems as if every time I get ready to shoot audio/video on a subject, I stumble across another youtube video that disseminates the message I was planning to present, lucky for me 🙂 saves a little time and effort. With all the effort I am engaging into energy accumulation, conservation and efficient reallocation, I am very grateful for the wonderful people like James Allen, the author of As a Man thinketh and Brian Johnson’s audio presentation from Do yourself a huge favor and listen to the attached video, purchase the book and visit mindpowerwords youtube channel.  Also, for an excellent read on the Law of attraction, visit

There are many facets in the stone of imagination and getting oneself in the vibrational state necessary for the mastery of manifestation and desired outcome, as with most skills, requires much practice and effort. It’s not at all easy analyzing one’s own thoughts, especially when we are bombarded with outside world programming all the time. I highly recommend limited time staring into screens and watching commercials, get some fresh air and connect with nature! I find it much easier to get my mind balanced in a peaceful outdoor setting, making it easier to use my imagination.

Life is your imagination in motion on an infinite spiraling road of causality. We just as well enjoy the scenery along the way; our own personal sculptured masterpiece; a mandala of vibrant color woven by our choices we make and the thoughts we choose to set all into motion. Dreamers in search of a paradical destination. How can one use their imagination to shape and chisel their dream life when they are expected to carry out someone else’s grand illusion? You don’t have to take away a man’s free will if he is distracted enough not to know he has any. To know why the effect, one must look at the cause, and being mindful of your thoughts allows one to make determinations on why the effect came to be. We may recognize that we are continually reaffirming a negative outcome in our life. Try as hard as one can to reaffirm a positive outcome, just hammer it home with imagination, and above all else, try to attach these thoughts to joy and happiness!

We are presented with many obstacles and dream squashing distractions along the way. The very well-known metaphor Asketh and ye shall receive, though is true and does work, should have been worded Asketh and ye shall receive, but only if you have no doubt and fear… I don’t care what spiritual inclinations one has, all is of mind. I know a poor Christian and a wealthy Christian, as well as a wealthy Muslim and a poor Muslim; all of whom are each responsible for their conditions in life.  If you are asking to receive, you best believe in what you are asking for and even more importantly know you are in the cycle to receive.

Giving and receiving is a cycle, and if we are not part of the giving cycle, the natural laws of the universe will not allow for the receiving.  An unwilling heart is just that, if you are unwilling to give, then you have taken yourself right out of the cycle to receive. Believe it or not, many greedy people continue to receive, even given the disparity involved. Likely due to strong belief in themselves, diligent efforts, and the fact they are in the cycle at all; the by-product of invoking by means of giving employment, charities, or simply just knowing what they want and applying the thought of it in their mind’s eye relentlessly. If you’re not in, you’re out. So get yourself in the cycle and give in some fashion, one way or another, and you will also be in a position to receive!

Yes, It may appear to be a selfish act, this giving to receive, but do not let guilt or fear distract us from our desires, it’s just simply a universal law: The Law of Attraction.  I am going to get a little selfish and present some very powerful tools with a few videos that WILL help anyone that will put into practice! Take a look and please tell me of your experience. Love and Peace, Jon Paul

YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW! Sending out those good vibes will bring them right back at you!

Leetsauce athlete’s smoothie

milk post1Chocolate Smoothie recipe

This particular recipe is used by a group of  vegan athlete’s that train rigorously on a daily basis. The chocolate smoothie has numerous beneficial vitamins & minerals (energies) to facilitate an extremely intense workout regiment (My main course meal everyday).  With that said,  if this recipe can provide a pro athlete with ample energy, then imagine what it can do for someone who would like to trim a little off the belly, or someone who simply wants to add a little snack treat without stressing about it. Whether youre training for competition sports or just wanting to add a new treat to your diet, I think you will enjoy  this healthy and delicious recipe.  In effort adding some diversity I like to mix up the ingredients and quantities a little, and this chocolate smoothie is no exception. For the sake of having a base to start with I will give quantities, but I rarely measure any of the ingredients anymore; a splash of this and a splash of that to get the desired taste and effect 😉  You will need a blender and a stick to fight off those sneaky buggers that come running every time they hear the blender. I hope you enjoy!

Single serving portions:

  1. 1 Banana
  2. 1/2 – 1  cup spring water ice (the more ice and milk the more watered down effect)
  3. 1/3 cup Hemp milk ( or almond, coconut, or soy) sometimes I use all of them.
  4. 1/3 cup of Almond butter
  5. 1/3 cup of Organic peanut butter
  6. hefty tbl spoon of unsweetened cocoa (experiment to get desired chocolate taste)
  7. 1 tbl spoon of  oraganic blue agave

I throw in a splash of Vega One brand- all in one nutritional shake mix, to get a little added protein (optional of course)

Depending on my activities for the day I usually can make it the entire day off this one smoothie,  a veggie fruit juice, and water.


Your healing hands

alexgreyjesusalex-grey-body    The attached photo’s are artwork by Alex Grey. Several years ago, I was contemplating the need for a visual reference of  the human energy network and meridians, when I stumbled across Alex’s work, I was blown away! And to this day I still haven’t found a better example to use for visualizing in meditation, or teaching on the subject.  As seen in the Christ rendition, the hands are seemingly lit up at the center of the palms. In TCM these energy gates at the palms center, play a very important role in harnessing, cultivating, moving, storage, and projecting energy.  I cannot stress enough the importance of focusing your thought into your hands, and coordinating with the flow of the breath!  Which, brings me back to the title: YOUR healing hands! Yes, you do the healing, so give focused attention to these energy gates at the center of your palms. With moving practices like Tai Chi Chuan, the body and hands will flow with the tempo of the breath.

In preparation for all meditation/healing practice, I will start by sensitizing the energy gates at the hands. I do this by pressing my  index and middle finger into the center of my hand, taking a deep breath, centering and focusing my thought at the pressure point. One deep breath into each hand is usually enough to get the energy flowing and open up these gates for the proceeding energy work. We now hold our hands out in front of the body facing each other, as if we are gently holding a large balloon.  I practice all my routines with my eyes closed. OK, so now take a deeeeep breath, slowly pull your hands apart as you inhale and slowly push them together as you exhale; should feel as if we are squashing that balloon, or a slight push/pull sensation of the hands. Keep up this routine untill you can feel the polarity at work. If you feel the push/pull with the ebb n flow, you’re ready to Go!

Now that the hands are fired up ready to go, we can experiment a little by feeling the energies all around us, both animate and inanimate, by not touching, but rather, by holding our hands near the object with the palm facing the object we are attempting to connect with. For example, we could test the continuity between your hand and a tree, or family pet, crystals, a glass of water, anything really, just have some fun in practice and over time your hands should become sensitive to the energies around and within you. Remember, you need to open the gates by the compression technique I mentioned earlier, and we should always remember to close these gates upon completion! We do this with our minds by thinking about it, and as added support, you can wave a hand in front of the palm; as if you were cutting a cord attached to the palm. Also, breath deeply and slowly into you lower abdomen while practicing! Feeeeel the subtle energy, moving your hands closer to the object exhaling and moving further away from the object as you inhale.

Not a very complicated process now is it? The real difficulty, mostly, is in the hours of stretching, meditation, accumulating, and the occasional transmutation of  illness, disease, and pain. 😦 And is why Chi-Gung healers must spend years of meditation practice and prepare their mind/bodies to deal with possible difficulties. We will discuss more on the topic of transmutation, in later post and videos. Untill then, practice, practice, practice! Oh, one more thing! I wouldn’t practice with electrical components or in electrical storms!! The human body is a very good conductor of electricity, we are mostly water. I highly recommend multiple sessions with a Chi-Gung or Prana healer! Sometimes Chiropractic firms will have acupuncturist on staff with touchless healing experience. I like to hit pain and injury with a multitude of healing efforts:  Acupuncture; Chiropractic adjustments; massage; hydrotherapy, guided meditation, nutrition, health coaching, Yoga, physical training, and even an occasional blood test 😦 to check my ph balance.

Before proceeding to video, I wanted to layout a good foundation, making it easier to follow the videos, plus I really do not want to break it down everytime I’m waving my hands over someone in practice. We will further examine the human energy channels and their associating elixer fields’ (dan-tien), or Chakras, later. Untill then, Happy healing! Mirrors within mirrors, plans within plans, believe what we will, but God has two hands 😉 Happy healing! Jon Paul


The magic snake oil, nothing at all?

Equafina Springs

Equafina Springs

So you want that magic pill or the miracle cure, the secret to all healing methodology? Maybe some magic elixir, or superfood, perhaps a transforming medical procedure? Won’t take you long to get a gazillion opinions about this topic, and I am not going to pretend I can give any type of absolute cure-all, for billions of people.  However, there is one absolute we all have in common; the need for water!

After many visits to the hospitals, mostly, visiting family & friends, either ill or bringing a new child into the world, I noticed there was one common denominator in treating patients: Water Fasting, or the Intravenous therapy (IV). Yes, chemicals can also be introduced with this procedure, but for the most part, patients are given water for hydration. Many people are introduced to water fasting by religious doctrine or practices, some people have not a choice and just can’t get food 😦  Whatever the condition, as a practicing Yogi/Chi-Gung healer, I water fast for more than one reason, but one thing for certain; I’m not waiting till I’m sick in a hospital bed before I catch on! Water fasting is very important! Yogi Master Dylan, has some very detailed video’s on this subject; to avoid reiteration of his teachings,  I would like to recommend that you watch, listen, like & share his videos. You will learn, not only a valuable tool for healing, but also a common practice amongst the wisest guru’s, physicians, clerics, athletes & more…. Always consult your family, health professional when making extreme changes in lifestyle; always nice that someone has your back! It is of my opinion, that it is best working with a master Yogi, nutritionist, naturopathic doctor or your MD, together during a fast, (sustaining from food) will give you a safe, well-rounded approach.

Water fasting is a type of fasting in which the practitioner consumes only water for long periods, usually to flush the body of toxins. See attached Youtube video’s!  Namaste, Love and Peace, Author Jon Paul Gilbert



illuminated master yogi Dylan

Not that I need to say much about Joe Eigo’s video, ‘The Matrix for real” pretty much speaks for itself! The reason I have the video attached here, is the inspirational effect it has on me every time I watch it! Thanks Joe!

I have always aspired to be a great athlete, and like many young American boys, I wanted to be a professional at many capacities (Football, Basketball, Golf, Hockey, etc ) and I was damn good at all of them, as I still am. The problem for myself, as it is for so many aspiring athletes, was my: “genetic predisposition,” or some may say,  “I was dealt a bad hand by God” and for most of my life, this  is what I believed.  This “genetic predisposition,”  not big enough, fast enough, tall enough, and so on, is all I used to hear from my coaches, family, and friends. Not only is this type of thinking or negatively reinforced doubt erroneous, but can also be very damaging to a young person! Some may say, “It’s just being realistic, and it could be even more damaging to disillusion a young person by misleading them into believing they can do something that is blatantly impossible for them to achieve”.  I SAY BULLOCKS!  And for the most part, this is the very catalyst and driving force to help other people,  as well as myself, to overcome our doubt and fears, unlocking the full potential of the human spirit!

I work with a group of athletes that train at DylansDojo. Check out for further detail. Anyway, we at the Dojo refer to this “genetic predisposition,” as gravity, weight training, or limiting belief; limiting,  in that this type of thinking limits oneself from skill building or trying new ideas that may lead to better results. I strongly believe, that we as humans have unlimited potential, and that if you know how to use your imagination to engrave or strengthen belief in oneself, you will achieve any goals  you desire!  That doesn’t mean that if you are  four-foot tall, close your eyes and imagine yourself dunking a basketball, you are suddenly going to spring off your feet and dunk a basketball through a regulation height hoop; actually, you’re more likely to synchronize this event by jumping off a trampoline, or a lowered hoop, but it will happen one way or the other! There are many variables involved in manifesting desired outcome in one’s life.   I encourage you to come back often to learn how you can use your imagination to overcome obstacles in life that may be keeping you from realizing your fullest potential.  Also, many of the video’s I have posted under this category are my idea of Superhumans, or those that have shed doubt and fear to accomplish their dreams and desires!  Namaste, Love and Peace… Author Jon Paul Gilbert

dylan flipped