“STOP What You’re Doing & Do This MEDITATION Instead – NOW!” on YouTube

Pretty dramatic title 😉 I think I know why~ Jake Mace wants everyone to feel good and enjoy life!

The scenery alone is worth the look see. I believe he says Camel back mountain? Jake teaches a very effective 12 points meditation. I find Chi~Gung (Qigong) very powerful, healing, energizing, and spiritually uplifting. Give it a whirl!

Just a tad jealous 🙂 If I didn’t have these damn teeth braces, I’d be on location shooting video like these 😦 Oh well, Jake’s better looking and, is obviously, a very well informed martial artist. Also, these video lessons are FREE! Can’t beat that! Show Jake some appreciation and subscribe,  Thank You!



Dylansdojo.com has great Qi Gong videos, as well.

# Qigong #Shamanistical # kung fu

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