Birdman & the Ruby Red Smoothie

Nope, not Michael Keaton. Just a dude and a random bird friend~ Lexi (I think?) She does tricks too!  When we poison the sky, we hurt birds! Spend a little time with a bird friend; They don’t eat much, but do draw attention.


Also, Here’s some Alchemy for you, one of my favorite breakfast smoothies. Turning my lead body into Golden sunshine.

Root & Core

Dark ruby red 《《《~♡~》》》
Bullet ensemble~
Ice~Beats~Carrots~Kale~Spinach~super greens~banana~Goji~Maca Root~Apple cider vinegar~hemp seed~MSM~spring water~morning blend (pineapple, orange, mango) Dash of organic sugar. I was jacked with energy, all day! 








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Multivitamins Have No Health Benefits And Could Be Harmful, Researchers Claim – 18 December 2013

Lucas 2012 Infos

RT logo(Lucas:  This is exactly what they want you to belief. Yes there are vitamins produced that have also ‘added bonusses’ or better said unhealthy stuff mixed in but what is fact is the beginning of the outrole of Codex Alimentarius.  Soon after they got your mind conditioned in thinking it is bad for you or has no added bonus towards your health they will pull vitamins, minerals, etc,   from your stores and or just only make it available (like the testing place for this Danmark) in pharmacies on subsciption by your doctor. Who sponsored or funded the research and which persons are connected…. Research,read, see!  It is time you really woke up.)

Three out of three new doctor studies agree: Multivitamin and mineral supplements are a waste of money.

Since November, the publication of three studies has given doctors even more insight into the question of whether or not…

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