NaturalNews – Jonathan Landsman – GMO Dangers Revealed By Former U.S. Government Scientist – 1 March 2015


Lucas 2012 Infos

NaturalNewss Logo-April-2014(NaturalNews) Since 1996, when genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first introduced, we have seen a dramatic rise in the rates of food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders and digestive problems. Of course, companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta – which own approximately half of the entire proprietary seed market – would have you believe that GMO dangers don’t exist. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Independent GMO research gets attacked and suppressed. But, on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you’ll get to hear (first hand) what a former USDA research microbiologist has to say about the dangers of GMOs. After listening to this program – you’ll think twice about our food supply and, hopefully, have the confidence to share this news with your family and friends. Join us for a great show!

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What the Fukushima?

nukeIs anyone in the United States aware of the level of danger with  Fukushima? I rarely hear anyone talking about this subject, locally, or even at the national level.  Sure, I catch a video, or read an article here and there; but I must look for it on the net, and even that exposure is meek in comparison to a Miley Cyrus bit.  I can’t recall the last time I seen a news report on television; I rarely watch tv, but even so,  with something as important and dire as this situation, you would think it would be the main world focus, an international coalition or something?

I have heard reports that Fukushima is spewing out radiation into our waters & atmosphere the equivalent of  Ten  Hiroshima bombs, every hour! Did you read that? This coming from upper-tier nuclear physicist. Ten Hiroshima bombs every hour in radioactive material….WTF?

If this is true and there is that extreme level of threat to the planet and everything that lives on earth, why the minimal exposure?

WIthin the next 60 days a procedure will begin that has the potential of threatening the health of the entire earth. This article does a good job of explaining what is at stake when TEPCO begins the extremely perilous task of removing 400 tons of spent fuel assemblies from the cooling pool teetering above the debris of the #4 reactor.

This threatens not only a fissionable event with approximately 1400 fuel assemblies, it threatens a criticality if the entire pool collapses into a pile. This threatens the ability of humans or even machines from keeping the 6000 fuel assemblies (how MANY tons is that) stored only 50 meters away in cooling containment…and a total of 11,000 fuel assemblies on site, and of course the three melting cores that are as we speak headed to the mantle of the Earth, from multiplying this event into one the size that threatens the health of every creature on this Earth.
Read it. I agree that the entire world needs to be involved with this…that every government of this Earth needs to offer their assistance and any idea we have that can help prevent this disaster needs to be applied.

However…my fear…is that TPTB have already considered this…and see no solution and no way to prevent the oncoming disaster…and are only trying to delay the chaos and panic that will set in when it becomes impossible to hide the truth of the enormity of what has already happened and what is to be.

I think it’s time to evaluate our priorities, allocate our time and efforts toward something a little more important than bank accounts and pop stars? Like, saving the freaking planet?? What do they (the power that be; or those that have the resources) have against Earth? All this abuse, carnage, extreme dissolution… Is this really a necessary evil, or polarity? I for one, am just really perplexed… We all need to get involved and help the Japanese people help us!


My thoughts and prayers… not just for the Japanese people in close proximity, but every single one of us, we are one! ONE to Complexity. Love and Peace, Jon Paul